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My Name is Tamie Mitchell,

I used to have short hair and didn't like it so I decided to invest in hair extensions.

I am so pleased I did, The transformation really boosted my confidence,

Being a hair extension wearer I can relate to a client and their needs.

I qualified as a hair extension technician with the famous Angela Croal

at Angels in Sheerness in January 2016

I find applying hair extensions very therapeutic.

I offer 5 methods


Tiny Tips, Maxi Tips, I tips, Nano Tips & Tape Extensions.


The method you choose is totally up to you.

Each choice is up to the individual. 

Some of my ladie's just want their sides applied For thickness & volume,

and some want the full works.

The favourite part of my job is when a client comes to me, I do their hair and i see the Transformation of their looks and their confidents just bursts.

There's never a unhappy customer after the results of my work.

It truly is satisfying to make a person so happy when they leave me. 


I can also just apply your own hair if you just want an application

Theres no obligation to buy the hair from my recommended company's

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Hair Extentions Designed to suit everyone

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